Research Services

Research Services

(scroll down for service price list)


Project set up and design:

Pre-analysis consulting. Consulting services include analysis of project set up/design, overall goals of the project, protocol review, discussion of appropriate sample types, collection techniques, genes of interest, and relevant housekeeping (reference) gene(s).

Sample preparation. The Core Facility offers assistance in sample collection/preparation. Established protocols and sample stabilization solution are available upon request.

Reference gene validation. It is important to pick a stable reference gene when doing gene expression analysis to ensure unbiased results. A reference gene validation experiment is run prior to profiling in order to determine the most stably transcribed reference gene.

Materials and methods. The Core Facility can provide a materials and methods write up for publication upon request.

Nucleic acid extraction/cDNA synthesis:

NA extraction available for nearly all species and samples types.

Semi-automated, high-throughput extraction. gDNA and total RNA extractions for research projects are performed on the QIAcube HT, a 96-well filter-based extraction system from Qiagen. Specialized protocols for low sample volume and RNA yield are also available.

cDNA synthesis. Complimentary DNA (cDNA) can be synthesized from extracted RNA upon request.


Assays. The Core Facility has more than 3,000 qPCR systems in-house for numerous species including apple, chicken, citrus, canine, equine, feline, human, mouse, non-human primate, rat, sturgeon, tobacco and trout. These assays may also be purchased for external use. Please visit our website for a full list of available systems.

Custom qPCR assay design. If the assay you need is not offered by the Core Facility, but the gene of interest has been sequenced then the Core Facility can provide custom primer/probe design utilizing Primer Express 3 software. The facility offers full disclosure of primer and probe sequences for these assays.

SNP. SNP genotyping analysis identifies single nucleotide polymorphisms which are responsible for differences in genetic traits, susceptibility to disease or response to drug therapies. Over 4.5 million human and 10 thousand mouse SNPs are ready to order assays from Applied Biosystems.

qPCR analysis:

qPCR thermocycler. All qPCR analysis is performed using Applied Biosytems QuantStudio 5 or 7 Pro Real-time PCR Systems. The Core Facility also offers the use of the thermocyclers to external clients who bring in their own pipetted and barcoded 384-well plates.

Final result calculations. Results can be reported by raw Cq values, using absolute standard methods, or the comparative Cq method for relative gene transcription (i.e. Livak or Pfaffl Methods).

Price List:


Recharge Rates 
(internal clients paying with recharge # or DaFIS account #)


  External Rates 
(external, non-Univ. of CA clients paying by check or credit card)

Processing samples







Qiagen DNeasy spin column extraction
(with cDNA synthesis)
$31.00     $62.00    
Qiagen DNeasy spin column extraction
(no cDNA synthesis)
$26.00     $53.00    
Qiagen RNeasy spin column extraction
(with cDNA synthesis)
$34.00     $68.00    
Qiagen RNeasy spin column extraction (no cDNA synthesis) $29.00     $60.00    
Qiagen QIAcube HT TNA extraction
(with cDNA synthesis)
$20.00     $35.00    
Qiagen QIAcube HT TNA extraction
(no cDNA synthesis)
$15.00     $27.00    
Qiagen QIAcube HT RNA extraction
(with cDNA synthesis)
Qiagen QIAcube HT RNA extraction
(no cDNA synthesis)
Qiagen QIAcube HT RNA extraction
(with DNase digest)
cDNA synthesis only $11.00 $9.00 ask $19.00 $14.00 ask

**must have enough samples to purchase kit


Recharge Rates 
(internal clients paying with recharge # or DaFIS account #)


  External Rates 
(external, non-Univ. of CA clients paying by check or credit card)

qPCR Reaction







qPCR reaction - 12ul probe based $15.00 $14.00   $26.00 $25.00  
qPCR reaction - 5ul probe based low density array (LDA)     $6.00     $11.00
qPCR reaction - 12ul SYBR $16.00 $13.00   $27.00 $25.00  
qPCR reaction - 12ul multiplexing $25.00 $22.00   $45.00 $36.00  
qPCR reaction - 5ul SNP Genotyping $12.00 $10.00   $22.00 $17.00  



Recharge Rates 
(internal clients paying with recharge # or DaFIS account #)

External Rates 
(external, non-Univ. of CA clients paying by check or credit card)

Design and Validation

per assay

per assay

Design and validation - Roche UPL (200 rxn) $144.00 $255.00
Design and validation - MWG probe $372.00 $498.00
Design and validation - AppliedBiosystems probe $261.00 $386.00
Design and validation - SYBR Green $122.00 $217.00
Assay validation only - probe based $67.00 $117.00
Assay validation only - SYBR Green $68.00 $121.00



Recharge Rates 
(internal clients paying with recharge # or DaFIS account #)

External Rates 
(external, non-Univ. of CA clients paying by check or credit card)

Misc. Services

Pre-amplification (under 50 genes) $33.00 $58.00
Pre-amplification (over 50 genes) $57.00 $101.00
Agilent bioanalysis: Per chip (NanoChip = 1-12 samples) $80.00 $143.00
Sequencing $158.00 $280.00
Plasmid $157.00 $236.00
Long oligo $117.00 $176.00



Recharge Rates 
(internal clients paying with recharge # or DaFIS account #)

External Rates 
(external, non-Univ. of CA clients paying by check or credit card)


AppliedBiosystems inventoried Gene Expression Assay (250ul volume) $152.00 $228.00
AppliedBiosystems non-inventoried Gene Expression Assay $193.00 $290.00
MGB probe (AppliedBiosystems) $233.00 $284.00
MWG TAMRA Probe $373.00 $453.00
MWG Primer $5.00 $8.00
TaqMan Universal PCR Master Mix by AppliedBiosystems (5mL bottle) $292.00 $370.00
5 pack of optical adhesives and 384-well PCR plates $45.00 $70.00
qPCR run on thermocycler (client brings pre-pipetted 384-well plate to run) $22.00 $37.00
AppliedBiosystems Assay-On-Demand primer/probe mix $2.00/ul $4.00/ul



Recharge Rates
(internal clients paying with recharge # or DaFIS account #)

External Rates 
(external, non-Univ. of CA clients paying by check or credit card)


per hour

per hour

Director $131.00 $186.56
Staff Research Associate II $106.00 $150.52
Staff Research Associate III $100.00 $142.04