Core Facilities

Core Facilities

Microarray Core Facility


The Core Facility features an Affymetrix GeneChip system that includes two Affymetrix 640 Hybridization Ovens, seven Affymetrix 450 Fluidics Stations, and an Affymetrix 3000 GeneChip Scanner with Autoloader. The Microarray Core Facility also features a Genetic MicroSystems 417 Arrayer and an Affymetrix 428 Array Scanner for generating, scanning, and analyzing custom designed microarray slides.

DNA Technologies Core Facility


The DNA Technologies Core provides Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) analysis, with the capability to run low to very high throughput assays with no requirements on the minimum or maximum number of samples. The Illumina bead array system is available to analyze 96 to 1536 SNPs/sample. The Luminex Xmap multiplex system allows the analysis of one to 50 SNPs/sample. Our service offers cost-efficiency, fast turnaround times, and staff accessibility.

Expression Analysis Core Facility


The Expression Analysis Core extends the services provided by the Genome Center/School of Medicine Affymetrix microarray facility. The Illumina gene expression platform is operational for expression studies in human or mouse. Additional services will include custom arrays, ChIP-Chip approaches, and comparative genomic hybridization. The Core Facility will also serve as an intermediary between researchers and companies producing custom arrays.

Proteomics Core Facility


The Proteomics Core provides state-of-the-art analytical proteomic services. In addition to highly trained staff, we have three tandem mass spectrometers capable of providing sensitive, accurate and fast proteomic analysis of complex biological samples, including a Thermo-Electron hybrid linear ion-trap Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometer (LTQ-FT). We also perform AA analysis and Edman protein sequencing.

Metabolomics Core Facility


The Metabolomics Core provides high-quality, cost-effective, services for metabolomics research and target analysis using experienced staff and state-of-the-art instrumentation. The Core Facility offers GC-MS and LC-MS lines for analysis using high quality standards, reagents, and solvents. We provide help with the experimental setup and design in addition to assistance with data interpretation in collaboration with the bioinformatics core.

Bioinformatics Core Facility


The Bioinformatics Core assists in acquisition, curation, analysis, and distribution of large complex datasets. It bridges between cutting edge bioinformatics approaches and the practical needs of researchers studying a diverse range of biological problems. The core provides bioinformatics support for the wetlab service cores as well as researchers with independent bioinformatics needs.